Before it became what is now - Entrenched used to be a very different idea. Initially, it was going to feature the traditional fantasy races like Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs - but after some consideration, I decided I wanted to make the setting truly my own! I had gone into planning, creating size charts, a bestiary, and some basic weapons. While some of the information is not canon to the current aspect of the game - it does have an important basis to the current setting.
Players could initially play as the Gorn (I changed this to keep the Gorn as the apex monster so I could realistically portray their terror and mystique); the Lunassans, robotic beings from a distant continent; the Ogun, dwarvish cyclopean ogres; and the Skurkani, an accursed people who were the victims of great and terrible hexes, forced to roam the bogs and swamps.
In the current canon, wood is exceedingly rare, most weapon stocks and handles are made from bent metal bars or rods.
The first drawn rendition of Trench Knight (TK) that I ever made. His lore has changed considerably, but most people wont know who he really is. No one in-game knows his identity.